Rich people have small TVs and big libraries, and poor people have small libraries and big TVs.” -Zig Ziglar
We live in a culture of bigger televisions and smaller libraries. We spend more time immersed in shows and less immersed in reading. We spend more time staring blankly at a screen and less staring intently at the words of a great book.
Is anyone else concerned about this? Have we just given up on learning? Do we really think that we know all that we need to succeed?
People who read more great books are more likely to be optimistic about the future, healthy, have flourishing careers, be more effective leaders and be financially independent. It takes no physical effort to read, just the turning of a page or the pressing of a button on a kindle.
Still, we don’t always want to read. We would rather be entertained than educated. We prefer slackness over success.
If you want to get ahead in the world, have a more successful career or be a better parent, read more books!
I have nothing against big televisions. Just make sure that you have a matching library full of great books to match.
The first chapter of my book, The Make It Happen Man: 10 Ways to Turn Obstacles into Stepping Stones with Breaking a Sweat is available to read free on my website and I offer free shipping on hard copies here.
Need some more inspiration? I facilitate a recurring mastermind session with a small group of entrepreneurs. which occurs on the first Wednesday of the month at 11am EST. I limit each session to just 25 people, so that we will be able to go deep into your business and make the experience truly transformative. Sign up at https://deanstorercoaching.com/mastermind
Finally, as a thank you for subscribing to my newsletter, I would like to offer you a FREE 15 minute coaching discovery session, no strings attached, at deanstorercoaching.youcanbook.me . I guarantee that you will walk away from our discussion with at least one idea you can start using immediately.
Photo Courtesy of Jonas Leupe on Unsplash